07 January 2008


A recent letter in the Express Advocate deplored the impunity with which foul language is used in public places these days. The writer might have been interested in this news in the Gosford Times, January 7th, 1898.

"At the local Court House on the 5th inst Alfred Newinson was fined 40s and 4s 10d costs, or 21 days gaol, for using obscene language at Wyong."

In Gosford, other forms of foulness were afoot.

"As typhoid had made its appearance in several outlying districts it behoves the Gosford Municipal Council to take precautions against an outbreak here by keeping the gutters clean and well disinfected. Residents should also see to the sanitary arrangements of their back-yards."

But for some relief was available - advertised in the same edition:

A valuable testimony

We the undersigned, wish to state to all suffering women that their case is not hopeless – they can be cured of many and all diseases which Dr, Coonley’s Specific Remedies are recommended to cure. We have used “Orange Lily”, and pronounce it the best remedy for those diseases peculiar to our sex that we have ever tried. Very truly, Mrs. F. Waters, Mrs. Robert Crooks, Ms. D. Oberlin, Mrs. Geo. Bailey.
Our month’s treatment 10s, post free, from 26 Imperial Arcade, Sydney.

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