Mr Morris, of Ourimbah, sustained a rather heavy loss during the week by the death of his prize cow Lucky, which took first prize in the milking contest at the recent Gosford Show. Death, which occurred after a very short illness, is supposed to be due to the eating of quinces which were growing in the paddock.
Gosford Times: 4th. March, 1898.
Looking forward
This illustration by Grant E. Hamilton ran in the February 16, 1895 issue of Judge magazine and can be found in the book Out of Time by Norman Brosterman. It is a postcard image of what the future would be like in the year 2000
Looking sideways
‘Wombat’ for night.
A man, 63, of Dunedoo, who was visiting his daughter at East Gosford, spent the night in a wombat hole at Rumbalara reserve last week. Police say the man went outside for a cigarette about 9.10pm and wasn’t seen again. A search involving police dogs and Polair eventually found the man at 11am the next day.
Express Advocate: 31st October, 2007.
Lying in a wombat hole or Mr. Morris’ paddock, who is looking at the stars?
(insert image of Gosford in the year 2100)